
Showing posts from November 7, 2010

D xing - Short wave Radio Listening

DXin g is the hobby of tuning in and identifying distant radio or television amateur radio , citizens' band radio or other two way radio communications. Many DXers also attempt to receive written verifications of reception (sometimes referred to as " QSLs " or "veries") from the stations heard. The name of the hobby comes from DX, telegraphic shorthand for "distance" or "distant".  D - distance  X Unknown. signals, or making two way radio contact with distant stations in Tuning to short wave radio stations broadcasting for far and wide all over the world is a very interesting and involved hobby. All you need is a Radio Transistor and time to involve in. Shortwave listening (abbreviated as SWLing) is the hobby of listening to shortwave radio broadcasts located on frequencies between 1700 kHz and 30 MHz . [ 1 ] Listeners range from casual users seeking international news and entertainment programming to hobbyists immersed in th...