
We visited Sringeri on 21st and 22nd od Dec 2011 and Got The Blessings of  Jagathguru Sri Bharathi Tirtha Mahasamiji. It was a Blissful Visit to Sringeri Muth and Temples There. The Premises on  Banks of River Thunga is showered with Divinity, Calmness, Quietness, and whole atmosphere is spiritually charged. 
When AdiSankarachaya  came to Sringeri, he saw an unusual sight on the banks of the Tunga. A cobra was seen spreading out its hood over a frog in labour pains, to give it shadow from the scorching mid-day sun. Struck with the sanctity of the place, which could infuse love between natural adversaries, the Acharya chose this very location to establish His first Math.Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankara Bhagavatpada established the first of the four Amnaya Peethams1 at Sringeri more than twelve centuries ago to foster the sacred tradition of Sanatana Dharma.

Sri Kappe Shankara - A Shrine on the banks of the Holy Tunga river in memory to the
glorious sight witnessed by Sri Adi Shankaracharya; A serpent giving shade  from the
scorching sun to a pregnant frog in labour pains
Today, the Sringeri Sharada Peetham bedecked with an unbroken chain of Acharyas continues to uphold the principles of Sanatana Dharma with the 36th Acharya Jagadguru Shankaracharya Sri Sri Bharati Tirtha Mahaswamiji acting as a treasure of spiritual wisdom and peace for all seekers.
Chandramouliswara Puja
The Linga of Sri Chandramoulishwara crystal linga, radiant like the moon, representing Jnana and bliss, is the principal idol of worship not only in Sringeri but also in the other three Amnaya Peethams - Badri, Dwaraka and Puri. Legend has it that this Sphatika linga, along with those of the other three Amnaya Peethams aswell, was handed over by Sri Adi Shankaracharya to his four disciples. Sri Adi Shankaracharya himself received the four lingas from Lord Shiva. Since then, the Lingas have been propitiated by the various Acharyas who have adorned the Peethams. Chandramouleeshwara linga is propitiated thrice a day, morning and evening with “Shodasha-Upachara” as ordained in the scriptures.
We had previlage of having a darshan of the Jagadguru worshipping the Chandramouleeshwara Linga in the night on 21st Dec. The Guru Sadan was reverberating Vedic Chants , including Rudram, Chamakam, Purusha suktham, Durga suktham,Sri sukhtham as The Jagadguru propiatiates Lord Chandramouleeshwara  admidst rituals through the pooja.

To Be contd....


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